Friends of the Landscape Archive at Reading
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Hal Moggridge - a FOLAR special celebration of his life and works

FOLAR is organising a prestigious and unique event to celebrate the continuing and distinguished career of Hal Moggridge - architect, landscape architect, author, past president of the Landscape Institute, winner of the Landscape Institute medal, recipient of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Victoria Medal of Honour, and OBE.

This will be held at the Royal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LE, from 10.30-5pm and afterwards at the same venue for drinks and canapés to mingle, network and talk.

A number of eminent speakers have accepted our invitation to share their thoughts on Hal’s ideas and achievements. The range of initiatives, projects and the vital support he has given and is still giving to different landscape and environmental organisations on a local, national and international level will form part of the day’s programme.

What can we learn from the way Hal studies and observes landscapes? What makes him such a valuable collaborator for clients, professional colleagues and amateur enthusiasts? What has he inherited from Geoffrey Jellicoe and Brenda Colvin that is now part of his DNA? Which of the projects that he has been involved with give Hal the greatest pleasure and why?

Join us to discover lots more. Organised and chaired by Tim Gale, this is going to be a truly special, informative, affectionate and fun event.

Earlier Event: April 30
Marian Thompson