FOLAR Constitution (October 2020)
1. The group shall be called FOLAR - Friends of the Landscape Archive at Reading.
The Landscape Archive at The Museum of English Rural Life (The MERL), University of Reading includes the landscape collections deposited by the Landscape Institute (LI) in 2013 and subsequent acquisitions; this comprises the LI Corporate Archive, the LI Library, and archives of LI members and landscape practices.
2. The aims of FOLAR shall be:
a. to support The MERL in its activities and in furtherance of the Royal Charter of the Landscape Institute, to grow the landscape collections deposited at The MERL;
b. to spread knowledge about the landscape collections in general to a wider audience and increase awareness of the history of the landscape profession;
c. to help resource projects as determined by FOLAR and in discussion with The MERL;
d. to advise and offer expertise to The MERL in assessing their landscape collections, both existing and potential.
3. All Officers and Committee members shall be elected at each AGM.
4. There shall be the following Honorary Officers:
a. Chair
b. Secretary
c. Treasurer
There shall be a maximum of 9 Committee members in addition to the Officers.
5. Four Committee members shall form a quorum for Committee meetings.
6. The Chair shall take the chair at all meetings at which he or she is present. If the Chair is not present, the meeting will elect a chair for the meeting from those present.
7. The Chair shall not vote at Committee meetings or AGMs, except to exercise a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.
8. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members and create corresponding members.
9. The committee shall have power to create sub committees.
10. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held annually within 12 months of the end of the relevant financial year (end March). Twenty-eight days notice of this meeting shall be given and reports and resolution papers shall be issued at least 14 days before the meeting. Eight FOLAR members shall form a quorum for an AGM.
11. At the discretion of the Committee subscriptions can be charged.
12. The Annual Subscription shall be such a sum as is determined from time to time by the Committee and approved at the next AGM.
13. Any amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to the members for approval at the AGM following the Committee meeting at which these amendments have been suggested and recommended.
14. The Committee can nominate patrons of FOLAR for approval at an AGM.
15. In the event of FOLAR deciding to dissolve, this shall be proposed to the membership at an AGM. The resolution to dissolve shall be decided by a vote of three quarters of the members present at that meeting, being in favour of the resolution.
16. All assets held by FOLAR following a decision at an AGM to dissolve, shall be donated as that AGM directs.
2020 revision agreed at the 7th AGM (2019-20) held on 22 October 2020 (virtual meeting).
First edition 2015: Agreed at the second Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 21 March 2015 at The MERL, University of Reading, Redlands Road, READING.