We would love you to join us and there are no special requirements or qualifications to becoming a friend. What unites our members is a fascination with designed landscapes past, present and future
Individual Friend
Join FOLAR and influence the future of the Landscape Archive and Library.
Be the first to hear about our events and activities
Influence and support our work in promoting the Library and Archive
Benefit from priority booking and reduced price event tickets
By choosing to join us you will be helping to build support for the most significant landscape collection still held in the UK.
The cost of an annual membership is only £25.
Renewls are due on the 1st May each year
Student Friend
Free Membership exclusively available for full and part time students.
Free to students on production of relevant details such as name of course and expected graduation date
Enjoy networking with experienced practioners and knowledgeable speakers
Better understanding of the benefits of the unique Landscape Archive and Library
Be the first to hear about our events and activities
Influence and support our work in promoting the Library and Archive
Benefit from priority booking and reduced price event tickets
By choosing to join us in supporting the Landscape Archive and Library at Reading you will be helping to build support for the most significant landscape collection still held in the UK.
The cost of an annual membership is Free
Practice Friend
Available for professional practices who wish to give more to support FOLAR's work.
All partners/employees benefit from individual membership privileges
Be the first to hear about our events and activities
Influence and support our work in promoting the Library and Archive
Benefit from priority booking and reduced price event tickets
By choosing to join us you will be making an important contribution to supporting the Landscape Archive and Library - the most significant landscape collection still held in the UK.
The cost of an annual membership is £60.
Donation for Hal Moggridge Event 2025
If you would like to support our work to celebrate and record the life and work of and with Hal Moggridge we would be delighted. This will enable us to do more on the day and also record more from this event and make it freely available afterwards.