google drive
Google Drive Folder for Folar:
Membership database, recordings, images, etc. All committee should all have edit access, so you can add folders as needed,
Set up by Caroline Fraser email:
Setting up FOLAR zoom meeting
Go to
Put in this email address: (BUT only HMN has access to this account!!)
Put in this password: Meur1g31talk
Click on ‘Sign in’
On left hand side, click on ‘Meetings’
Two meetings will come up, one above the other. You need the first meeting called FOLAR Committee (yes, the final ‘e’ is missing.
Hover you cursor over this meeting and three buttons will appear to the right of the meeting name (‘Start’, ‘edit’ and ‘delete’).
Click ‘start’ and follow instructions.
Info for FOLAR website hosts
Finding LI on VRR MERL: